18 May 2005

weddings and stuff

Just on an aside, The Onion rocks my world.

SO I return unharmed from my week of wedding fun. My brother got married! The week went rather well and a fun time was had by all. I did have a few run-ins with the wedding planner, who was workin' my last nerve the whole week. Even before I met her, I wasn't too fond of her. I did give her a chance and she didn't quite break down that first impression. She really liked to be in control. One of the first things I was told about her was that we were going to be given bags to put our stuff in when we came to change at the church. My first point of confusion--weren't we ALREADY going to have bags? Why do we need to transfer our stuff from one to the other? Sounded awfully Mr. Rogers to me. Then, and here's the kicker, we were supposed to put all of our stuff in said bags, take them out to the car BEFORE pictures (pictures of bride/groom separatly before the wedding arond 10:30, wedding at 2) and give HER our car keys. Whoa. That's crazy. Why would I give her my keys? Won't we need our stuff in the period of time after pictures and before the wedding to do our last minute beautification...stuff? My soon-to-be sister-in-law hadn't thought of that. She paused, then tried to explain it to where it made sense. It never really did. My mom was totally on my side. I knew then that me and Ms. Thang were going to be having a misunderstanding.

The day of the rehersal, I arrived to help decorate and learned that plastic tablecloths have an up and a down side. Never knew that! At the rehersal itself, we were all told to bring our shoes so we could practice walking in them. I have already worn those shoes, at a wedding no less, so I didn't think it was absolutly necessary for me to bring them. I sort of "forgot." It wasn't completely a rebellious forgetting, I really did forget until I was on my way and didn't want to go back for them. My mom didn't bring hers either. Must run in the family!! Turns out we were the only ones. That kinda freaked my SIL (sister-in-law) out, who assured me that I would be fine. I wasn't really worried, but I guess I felt better after being assured... After the rehersal, we were sat down and all given a two page document (front AND back) of the time schedule for tomorrow. We're talking down to the minute here--10:25, 11:15. I kinda tuned her out for awhile because I was whispering to my friend/groomsman next to me. I did tune back in when she said that from now on until the wedding, we were not to drink anything with caffine. I snapped my head up and then got to thinking how obnoxious that was, that I missed the rest of what she said. It made us all want to go drink like 5 pops, and I don't even drink a lot of pop! At the rehersal dinner, which rocked, we all drank pop.

The next day, I had my aunt do my hair and then went to the mall to have my makeup done. Word of the day...FREE!! Loved it! And I actually looked nice, so that was a bonus! I got to the church and changed into my dress and did the picture thing. Luckily, they provided food so we all ate like starving children. I was in a noon wedding once, where there was no food to be had, and halfway through the ceremony, my stomach expressed it's anger rather loudly. It made the other bridesmaid laugh. ANyways, the wedding itself was really beautiful and went perfectly. The reception was good times had by most.

So now I return home and begin the re-greasing process at McDonalds.


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