29 March 2005


So. An epiphany--I work at McDonalds.

I get back from Spring Break (yes, I'm still on college-people time) and I discover that we have instituted a new thing at the place of my employment. We each have been given a small book that has pictures in it (I suppose that way we all understand) and these pictures instruct us to do something, such as "smile" "say hi" "fast service" and so on. I picked on up and was flipping through it, completely aghast until I managed to say, "WHAT, is this?" I was told that if a manager sees/hears/observes us doing those things, they sign our book and if we get it all filled, we get a prize. Wow. I need a moment. *** Okay, I'm back. I had to take a moment and let the utter insanity of what I just wrote catch up with me. How incredibly ridiculous is that? We have all just quantum back-flipped our way to grade school. So if we don't get our book filled, do we miss recess? Are they going to call my mommy? It's completely...i have no word to describe what it is. Well, I have not receieved my book yet since I missed the meeting (no worries though, my meeting will be tomorrow) and my manager told me today that it was too bad I didnt' have one because she would have been able to check off lots of things for me. I asked her since I didn't have my book, could I drop the "politeness charade" and be rude since it didn't count for anything? She just laughed, missing the ridiculousness of my question. Who does that? We all are polite and don't need a book to make sure of that. One of the things we have to do is "look the customer in the eye." It will now be my goal to look at the forehead of each customer and see if I can fake out my managers. How childish have we become?! We are employees, not 1st graders trying to fill a chart up with stars. Seeing as I work for McDonalds, I think there is not a "prize" that would really excite me. What is it, an autographed photo of Ron himself? Free food? I'll find out more at my special meeting tomorrow. I can hardly wait.

During my breaks, I watch CNN and I have noticed that Hong Kong has been strongly promoting tourism. They have these really long commercials about people visiting and having the time of their lives and all these great things. Kinda like a mini-movie. I'll bet someone who cries easily would cry at the end of one of them. Anyways, just an interesting observation. Puts our "Go see Arkansas" commercials to shame. We should take cues from Hong Kong. They're effective because it makes me want to go. I actually stop eating to watch them. I've seen two different versions so far. So some mad props go out to Hong Kong.


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