05 May 2005

summer here, summer not

I plan to do great stuff to my blog page over the summer. Not sure what, but be expecting something...really...um...cool.

I'm currently listening to a CD made by a friend of mine. It's quite good. I just finished playing some Shubert.

Next week, my brother is getting married. Weird. For good or bad, I'm going home all next week to help out or provide comic relief for everyone.

I heard on the radio the other day that a groupd of Nazi's went to restaurant to have a party for Hitler, and the store manager might be in trouble for letting them in for that reason. A little obnoxious I think. I started laughing after she said "Nazi's" and then continued laughing after I heard the reason for their gathering. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Nazi lover, but that makes me smile for some reason. I wonder if they had a cake? I wonder if they wore party hats?

If a customer orders a drink, and doesn't specify the size, and you ask them, "what size?" and they say, "it doesn't matter," would you give them the largest, smallest, or medium size? Technically, you could charge them the ol' $1.50 for the large to make Ronald some money, and they couldn't complain. I usually go for the medium. What would you do?

We're going to start an extreme dodgeball team at McDonalds. Crew against managers. We've already got our team set. Dodgeball, a great American past-time. What a great game...


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