30 April 2005

Cheese with your whine?

So this past week at work has been one big whine-fest. For some reason, everyone hates everyone else and has to tell me about it. It's amazing to me how that can really wear on you after awhile. Why does that affect us I wonder? You can be in a great mood, but just constantly listening to someone complain really starts to get to you and bring you down. Strange. My favorite is when the other crew people complain to me about something a manager is doing, or not doing, and then later does the exact same thing, yet it's okay for them. I'm so tired of it. I jsut wanted to scream, throw an onion at someone and walk out. It's childish and quite annoying. People there turn on each other faster than I can make a cheeseburger (which, may I say, is quite fast). I was listening to two people slam this other girl who wasn't there but they don't like and I really wanted to ask them what they said about me when I wasn't there. Maybe they would get the point. Maybe not.


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