28 February 2005


First of all, I do know that the correct way to spell "sike" is "psyche." But I have spelled it that way since the 80's and old habits die hard.

If you were to go back in time (or scroll down) to one of my previous posts, I talked about the hospitality training we all were 'required' to go through. I think I may have beaten the system! I have managed to slip through the cracks! It was pure genious. I was downstairs in the break room and finally decided to sign up for a time. I kept forgetting to sign up and I never had a pencil when I did remember, so my intentions were pure. So I finally remembered and had a pencil and signed up for the next day from 9-10. I just happened to pick the slot that was kinda squished between the other lines and had the least amount of space to write in. In order to fit my loooong name in the space, I had write fairly small. The next day, I waited and waited, but no manager ever came and got me from my spot to go through it. I held my breath the next few days, and after a couple of weeks passed, I figured I was in the clear. VICTORY IS MINE! Take that Ronald McDonald! I got your hospitality right here clown man! HA! If asked, I DID sign up in a legitimate time slot (speaking of "legit..." I just heard "2 legit 2 quit" on the radio the other day, and yes, I did the motions to it. I also debated being late to work today so I could sit in my car and listen to the end of an Ace of Base song that had just come on) so my part was taken care of. I want to know if everyone took it, but I have refrained from asking, as they might have spies implanted among us...


Blogger BlackLineFish said...

2 legit 2 quit is at least 3x better than "I GOT SKILLZ"...

I am so glad that you qualified your spelling of psych... I would have been disappointed otherwise.

In high school, I dated a girl in the 11th grade that I liked very much. In fact, things got really innapropriate once, or twice, but I digress in mixed company. At the end of the year, she wrote in my yearbook a small comment that ended with the word "SIKE" and I realized that I could not spend any more time with a person who would write that. I think I spoke to her about six times during my senior year.

If you need a sound track for that story, think about Mike and the Mechanics singing "All I need is a Miracle," because it was in the 80s...


12:52 AM  

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