09 March 2005


We had our inspection at McDonald's the other day, which meant we went crazy cleaning the place in the morning. I was supposed to be back in grill, but I worked my way up to front drive and then back to pit, where I became the envy of all employees. The beauty of being in pit, is when it's slow, you have the option of either staying back there, or coming up. They really can't put you to work doing anything major, because you never know when an order might come up and you have to take money. Being in front drive, you're easily replaced, but since I'm the only one with a cash drawer, I have to be back there. So, the inspector comes through the drive through, and we all recognize him, so it was no surprise. He wrote some stuff on his palm pilot, and then stood outside and timed us. Luckily, it was a day with unusually warm weather (not as good as this Sunday though) so our customers were in good moods and the line went fast. As to why I was the envy, our good friend decided to pay a visit to the grill next where he made TONS of new rules and pretty much picked on everyone.

Our new rules are incredibly ridiculous. We now have to go "by the numbers" with our products. If you're back in grill at a certain time, a piece of paper tells you that at that time yesterday, from say, 11-12, we were really busy, in "ultra-high" mode and tells you how much meat and product to keep up. Neat huh. Wellll, it doesn't really work, because no two days are the same. So that means we have wasted more food with this system than ever before. Good plan HQ! So the paper is telling us to keep 5 trays of meat up, but the people who are back there EVERY DAY and are not stupid, know that we could get by with 2 or 3. But we have to go by the paper and end up wasting 2 full trays of meat. They completely ignore the fact that we have common sense and know how much product to keep up and can judge for ourselves the busy-ness of the day. If we had gone by the numbers today, we would have wasted enourmous amounts of food, because we were surprisingly dead. BUT, according to the paper, we were "ultra-high." It's ridiculous.

I worked back in grill the other day and our head manager decided to help out, meaning she was really there to implement all the new rules. I took a vow of silence and kept my mouth shut. It was hard.


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