09 March 2005


I have found that I dispise the way I say the word "mercy." I don't know why, but I don't like the way I say it. I've tried to say it different ways, but it won't come out right. I don't think it sounds weird to other people, but I can't stand hearing myself say it. Weird huh.

I was thinking about that the other day because I love watching people speak and listening/watching the way they pronounce words. Have you ever thought of all the different ways people say your name? Very fascinating to me.

I went to the Geog/Geol banquet last night at the Hangar. A good time was had by most, if not all. G-Pac sported a newly made scarf that really brought out his eyes. He also did a reenactment of my gas station adventure, which brought back some fond memories. We watched "The Pacifier," or "the Punisher" as some might call it. It was good, a little cheesy, but still fun. MC teared up a little at the end. What a softy. I can predict the next dance craze though. Pretty soon, everyone will be doing the "Peter Panda Dance." *clap clap* I'm amazed at what the man was able to construct inconspicuously in his quiet suburban town, and I loved the incorporation of the panda dance. Nice work. I think our top national secrets should be guarded by such means, so that anyone attempting to steal them would have to show off some mad dancing skillz in order to get them.


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