15 March 2005

"Look away! Look away!"

I was on my break the other day and found that they had also sent two other guys on break at the same time. We were all sitting down there and I told them they could watch whatever they wanted on TV. The new guy turned it to some drama/cop real-life story channel thing. Not really my thing, but no biggie. I concentrated on my fresh-from-a-box salad. A story came on about a chick detective who started dating another detective in the force, who just happened to be married with kids...only she didn't know. Hmm...great detective work, eh. Anyways, they showed a picture of the guy and he was black. The other guy proceeded to start singing "Jungle Fever." Nice. I was a little thrown off, but took it as childishness. I went back to my salad and the new guy spoke up and said "oh yeah, I think you're right. He is a colored boy, isn't he?" My fork was halfway to my mouth, and I froze. My mouth was still hanging open and I turned and stared at him. "Colored boy?" I can hear the band warming up "Dixie" now. Who says that?! I realized I was still staring, my eyes wide and my mouth still open, yet smiling now in disbelief. I kinda shook my head and bent my head low over my salad. Nice. I had no words. I don't remember much of the show after that. Something about a murder and stuff.


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