04 May 2005


You might be wondering how goes the world of grease and processed meat. Good times...I finished my "sticker book" o fun so I was presented with a t-shirt. It's a BigMac shirt that lists everything that a BigMac contains. I think it's my new favorite shirt.

The other day, The Man came and took all the managers for training. At one point, they all came with clipboards and went rampant in the store, watching what we did, getting in our way, writing down stuff, ordering us around, and complaining about stuff. I think it was a game. I think they had to find a certain number of things wrong. It was generally really annoying, because we were trying to work and get stuff done (plus, it was right at change-over, which always gets a little hectic) and that gets difficult when you have an infestation of about 10 managers all at once looking for things that are wrong. And it's really no big deal, because if we're doing it wrong, it SHOULD be fixed, but what they were finding wrong is stuff that they let slide all the time, or do themselves. Even one of the customers compained about the sudden invasion. I was trying to get his food and had to dodge clipboard-toting managers to get to him and he just shook his head and was like, 'WHAT is going on? This is little crazy...' Yes, it was. After the Manager Blitzkrieg of Ought-5, they returned to their meeting and we returned to our work.

Later, I was in pit and a manager comes and just stands there. I said hi and he continued to stare, so I asked "so...how's it going?" He said he was looking for "golden moments." I stared a few more seconds, mouth agape, and then bit back laughter and went back to work. I was talking to a customer and then he said I did a really good job and gave me a sticker. Maybe I'll get extra recess time too.

Oh yeah, I went to the gas station where I got hit on last time, but I had no takers. Just cheap gas.

Carry on


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