18 February 2005

Groundhog Day

Have you ever wished you could have a "groundhog day" where you could say whatever you wanted and it all be erased the next day? I sure did today. It was a level orange today at Mcd's in terms of grumpy people. You would think on a sunny Friday morning, people would be happy but people were mainly grumpy. Some guy yelled at me because of the prices of his sandwich. Last time I checked, no one was holding a gun to his head telling him to eat here. He ordered two sandwiches without the sausage and then exclaimed, "That's the same price WITH the sausage!" Yes, sir, it is. "Why can't I get a discount if I don't get sausage? I'm paying for something I'm not getting." I almost lost it there. I kinda held up my hands in the "wow, calm down" gesture and said, Hold on, let me check if I can get it lower for you...my goodness!" yeah, that last "my goodness" was out loud. Didn't mean for it to be but it was. Finally he got tired of waiting and I told him if he wanted a refund they would take care of it up front. He just shook his head and said never mind.

I had a good one the other day too. Some guy pulled up after paying and he had ordered two fish sandwiches and a drink. I told him it was about a minute on the fish. #1 - we usually over estimate the time so they feel that it's shorter. #2 - we were going through a lot of fish that day because it's lent. So I ask him to please pull up and this is what follows:

"Sir, it's about a minute on your fish, so if you could please pull..."
"NO. I've waited long enough. I want something NOW."
(Oh, I got somethin' for you.)
*surprised stare from me*
"I want two cheeseburgers. Get me 2 cheeseburgers. I can't wait any more."
"Sir, I can't help how fast it cooks"
"Neither can I."
"I know that."
"Good. Now I want two cheeseburgers."
"I'll have to give you a refund because of the price difference."
"uh...yeah. I figured."
"Let me see what I can do"
My manager at this point it really upset with the guy (you know him Cowboy) and by now, the fish are ready.

I bring it back to him:

"Here's your drink. And your fish."
"So you're telling me after all this, they were sitting there? You had them"
(Yeah, I was just teasing. We had them all along. Ha ha ha.)
"Well, by the time we were done 'talking' about it, the fish were done."

Oh the joys. But it's all good, it keeps my job interesting. What else would I blog about?


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