23 May 2005

The day the music died

Last Thursday at work, they made the mistake of putting me and another girl in grill together, all day, the same shift (No worries, it wasn't a bad thing). Suffice it to say, we keep it fun when we work together. We were singing numerous songs when one of the head managers comes up. He leans over the assembly station and says, "Here's the deal girls, this job SUCKS. And you two don't make it any better by singing." He was, of course, kidding, but we were banned from singing for the rest of the day. It was too bad, because we were on our last chorus of "Bingo." You know the "hm-hm-hm-hm-O" part. We didn't even get to finish the song. Our fun level bottomed out and then we started bending the rules and pushing the limits. He said no singing, but we figured rapping or chanting was still allowed. We switched over to rap songs and tried to disguise them as normal grill-speech, such as "hey, be careful, or you might, 'drop it like it's hot, drop it like it's hot.'" Luckily he didn't catch on.


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