07 June 2005

Numbering my days

My days at McDonald's are numbered! I am going to quit in August. I am very very excited. Where am I going next? Ah, you should be so fortunate to know! I shall keep you in suspense. You never know where I will end up next.


Things I've been called through the drive-through:
-Ma'am (my least favorite)

**Breaking McD news: New salad dressing, Italian. They say it's peppery.

I'm going to go run soon. I run barefoot. It's true, I really do, and I love it. I actually enjoy running now. I have pretty tough feet anyway because I always walk around barefoot, but I tried running unshodden last summer, and it worked for me. You really do realize that bad things you do when you run with shoes, and you can really improve your form when you can "feel" what you should be doing. Your feet and body naturally tell you what to do to run properly. For instance, running on the balls of your feet. Think about it, when you run with shoes, your heel hits first and you rely on the soles to absorb the shock. Imagine yourself running in slow-motion. When your foot hits on your heel, it hits hard and sends a shock through your legs and back. It's like hitting the brakes every time. Think of a kid, when they don't want to go somewhere and you try and pull them, they do what...dig in their heels, because they know it's like putting on the brakes. So everytime you hit, you're stopping yourself. If you run on the balls of your feet, first of all, that part of your foot is wider, (makes sense to land your weight on the widest part of your foot) and it absorbs more. You don't feel the slam into your knees when you land; the landing is a lot softer. You spring off them more.

Does it hurt? Not really. Like I said, my feet are tough, and when you land on rocks or pebbles, your feet naturally shift the weight away from the rock. It's really quite amazing how are bodies work. God knows what He's doing, hm. But when I land on something hard that would hurt my foot, my body unconciously shifts my weight away and another part of my foot or my other foot absorb the weight. Cool huh. Anyways, makes me happy...and saves a bunch on shoes! Seen the new Nike commercials? "Run Barefoot." They advertise a shoe. How about...just...running...um...barefoot?

That's all. Dismissed.


Blogger BlackLineFish said...

I thought I saw you running barefoot a few days ago. I convinced myself it was not you, because only hippies and street people do stuff like that!

Thems your categories, take your pick.

(I am leaning toward bag lady.)


1:27 AM  

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