15 February 2005

I have a new hobby!!

I was informed the other day that my major isn't really a major, it's a hobby. I guess that's a step down from being an addiction.

So I got hit on in the drive-through today. Saddu, I knew you would especially appreciate that one! It wasn't smooth at all. Mere child's play compared with a certain Austrian we know and love. (If you don't know that story, please ask, it's a good one. MC, you should totally remember that and don't even try and say you weren't impressed, maybe even a little bit jealous...) These boys had much to aspire to. My standard has risen to a level which will be nearly impossible to beat. I thought the Orange-Man in Tanzania had it beat, but our Austrian friend set the bar higher. Hey! That's what we should study Saddu!! We should travel the world, studying pick-up lines and "I'm hitting on you" tactics. The "Geography of Flirtation." I like it. I think that's going to be my new line now when people ask me what I'm going to do with my life/major.

Today was a "level yellow/bordering orange" day in the McDonald's world. Our computers crashed right during lunch, which made me incredibly happy and caused the managers to spiral into a power-trip frenzy as they each tried to be the McHero of the day. I stayed in the front drive and watched the chaos. I caught some of the brunt of my managers' anger simply because I was there, so I just shut my mouth and rode it out. So that was fun in the morning. The afternoon was fairly slow, but picked up with the guys that tried to hit on me, and then slowly entered the "bordering orange" phase as the highschool employees started arriving. (oh by the way G-Pac, the cause of your McDonald's crisis ended up quitting. Not sure if it was a "I quit" thing or a "we strongly suggest you quit" thing. ) The highschoolers are NOT fun to work with as they have a completely different work ethic than the older day shift crowd. I had "helpers" today, meaning I had one girl who was supposed to be on front counter who kept trying to hand out orders for me. I was the presenter and she would bring in a sack and say, "Can I hand it out? I want to hand it out!" "This if FUN!" Of course, she tried to hand out the wrong order and we had to fix all of that and then she wanted to serve off my orders which is where I draw the line. I have to be the one to serve my orders otherwise I get confused. Then I had the guy taking orders who would grab my receipts and put them on the napkins and line them up in random order so I would have to search for the right order when I was handing it out. My life would be so much easier if I just grabbed the receipt from the machine. We also had two girls cry in the span of 10 minutes. Ah, another day at the office...


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