30 April 2005

Cheese with your whine?

So this past week at work has been one big whine-fest. For some reason, everyone hates everyone else and has to tell me about it. It's amazing to me how that can really wear on you after awhile. Why does that affect us I wonder? You can be in a great mood, but just constantly listening to someone complain really starts to get to you and bring you down. Strange. My favorite is when the other crew people complain to me about something a manager is doing, or not doing, and then later does the exact same thing, yet it's okay for them. I'm so tired of it. I jsut wanted to scream, throw an onion at someone and walk out. It's childish and quite annoying. People there turn on each other faster than I can make a cheeseburger (which, may I say, is quite fast). I was listening to two people slam this other girl who wasn't there but they don't like and I really wanted to ask them what they said about me when I wasn't there. Maybe they would get the point. Maybe not.

20 April 2005


In the past few weeks, I seem to have finally reached a level of acceptance for working at McDonalds. Don't worry, it's not an acceptance that leads to complacency, but merely an acceptance of understanding that for reasons maybe unbeknownst to me, this is where I'm at right now, and I'm going to enjoy it for whatever it's worth. It actually makes the job a lot easier once you reach that point.

I believe I am completed with my "book o' fun" that we had to get filled out at McDs. I'm supposed to get a tshirt or something, but I think I won't cry if I don't. I already got a keychain, and a lanyard thing. Good times...

We had our 50th birthday at McDonalds last Friday and unfortunantly, I got stuck in grill. But I did still sport a party hat over my visor, so that was all in good fun. We gave out cake too. Me and my breakfast grill buddy thought we should have a pinata, and I suggested filling it with hamburgers. I wanted pony rides, and he wanted a petting zoo. If we're going to have a party, why not REALLY have a party? I made our birthday mascot, an english muffin that I transformed into "Muffy, the British muffin" using bacon, bagle sauce, and various wrappers. He turned out quite well. But alas, he met an untimely end half-way through lunch.

Here's a fun drive-thru (I hate that spelling of that word) story--I was taking orders on Monday, and someone came through and said that they had called in an order and were there to pick it up. First off, that's silly to come through the DT because you hold everyone else up. So, my order taker told her to say the order so we could punch it in and they could pay. So she starts rattling off the order and a manager says we already have it written down. But we forget to tell the lady and she keeps going and going and none of us are paying attention. We're off doing other stuff and talking. We could've stopped her, but it was kinda fun to listen to her rattle it off. She finally gets done, (we realize this when there's silence) and my OT tells them to pull around and pay. They had 7 different orders, so we had put them all in separate. Okay, we only allow you to have THREE multiple orders in DT, so they totally blew that rule out. They pull up and I give them they're first total, and they say that they want to pay for it all together. Nice. So we have to ring in everything, AGAIN, which means all the drinks get doubled, and no one informed grill, so they made all the sandwiches twice. It was a huge mess, and it made my drawer short over 40 dollars, plus, the line of cars behind them was insane, because it took a long time to get all their orders in. So helpful hint...don't do that.

That's all I got.