07 December 2006

Drunken Babel

I learned a couple of weeks ago, on a field trip I took, that I would rather hang around a group of drunken college kids than a group of drunken 'adults' (30+) ANY day. Druken adults aren't cool, even though they think they are. They're rather obnoxious, and while college kids can be that way too, there's still something different. Maybe it's the fact that they're trying to hit on people much younger than them, which really isn't cute. Who knows. All I know? Not cool.

I really need to take up smoking, because it's not fair how many breaks the smokers (all two of them) get in our office. I say that because one of them just left, again, to go smoke with her friend so she wouldn't have to stand out there all alone.

I saw "Babel" the other day. Excellent movie, although there are some scenes that might not be so appropriate, i.e. nudity. But it wasn't out of context with the movie. Some movies throw in nudity/language just for the sake of nudity and language, but this was part of the story line and character development. It was kinda sorta like "Crash," which I also really liked.

I'm not very motivated today. Nothing is working right. Our GIS isn't working right, my pen won't work right, my eye is twitching (not sure why), and I really wish it was Friday.

U2 rules.