22 August 2006

One sugar, or two?

McDonnie's new marketing ploy around this hoppin' city is that they will now put your sugar and creamer into your coffee BEFORE you get it. Oh yes, that's right. You order a large coffee with three sugars, one cream, and when you pull to the last window to receive your caffinated beverage, no messy sugar packets for you! Why? Because your three sugars, one cream, are already dissolving in your hot coffee, spreading their creamy sweetness to perfection for your first sip (caution: contents extremely hot). Amazing!!!

Oh wait. Too bad my old McDonnie's has already been doing that for quite some time now. Way to finally catch up, oh innovative metropolis! I have been disappointed on occasion when I get coffee and ask for sugar or creamer and have been handed a fistful of sugar packets. I refrain from giving them a disdainful look. It's nice that I can now enjoy the same comforts here as I did there.

But syriously, the radio stations have been going crazy over this new wave o' higher customer satisfaction. One station even sent their people on-site this morning to 'celebrate' in this new phenomenon. I wonder if it took extra training? Ha! Probably did. That makes me happy. I bet I would've tried to get out of it.

So, I send a shout-out to my former employer, because I'm lovin' it. May you continue to lead the way in customer satisfaction for years to come!


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