15 December 2005


I traipsed through my childhood today. Hearing someone at work talk about buying his kid a tricycle, WITH streamers and a bell, opened the painful memory of my streamerless bike. The bell...I could do without. Never really wanted one. But the streamers on the handlebars? Oh the dreams! I think we got a second-hand bike from someone that had one streamer still fully intact. Oh how I treasured that single strand of fun streaming in the wind! The other handlebar's streamers had been shorn, so all that remained were stiff little stubs. Not that I didn't enjoy the bike, I made a valient effort to make up for the streaming lack. It was a cool bike (despite the above), one of the old-school ones with the brakes in the pedals. I always loved that kind because it would skid to a stop instead of the immediate hand-brake stops. Get 'er stopped on a patch of sand, and you could skid for awhile. And I did the whole baseball card thing in the spokes, which I always thought was cooler than a bell. But streamers? Those you just couldn't substitute.

So since this is the season of gift-giving and brand new red bikes under the tree, I think I would like a bike with streamers, preferably more than one (streamer, not bike).

14 December 2005

A whole lotta...nothing.

So…I really have nothing to write about, but I feel bad neglecting my blog. I don’t feel TOO bad because it seems no one really has anything to write about. On my way to a wedding this past weekend, I ate at McDonalds. I find that I am critical of other McDonalds and how they do things. Those of you who live in my old town—be grateful, you really do have a very clean and well-run McDs. Wow! That was almost…sweet. I also find that I will jump to the defence of McDonalds if someone is berating it. I've already done that a couple of times at my new job. Interesting. My experience there was good times. Just look at how many entries it got me!

I saw the Chronicles of Narnia last Thursday night. I really liked it. I was told by a friend that she "bawled and bawled" throughout the movie. I guess I'm really hard-hearted, because I never teared up once. I thought it was very well done, yet not on a 'Lord of the Rings' scale. But that's hard to beat. Hang me if you want, but I'm getting slightly annoyed by all the Christian groups who are rallying behind the movie and making it into a huge deal - holding messages afterwards and small sermonettes. My thoughts? I think they should just let people enjoy the movie, and not make it into a "Christian" movie. Sure, it has Christian themes in it and if you're familiar with the Bible, you'll get it. Even if you aren't, the themes are still there. In the book, CS Lewis didn't go into a "here's what every part of my book means" section, so why should we? He let it stand for what it was - a good book. I think when churches and other groups make such a big deal out of it, it turns people off, and they miss a really good movie. Just let it be (Shout-out). If the quesitons arise, go for it, but don't try and shove a message down peoples' throats and analyze every little piece and character. Let people and their kids enjoy it for what it is.

There you go.

Um, I guess that’s all.