01 February 2005

Ponies are the ba-jizzle!

I was at work the other day, serving customers their "texturized patt[ies] of genetically engineered cow[s]" to quote William Least Heat Moon, when a new Happy Meal toy was brought out. The boy's toy is some action figure thing I've never heard of, but the girls is none other than My Little Pony. Generic of couse, due to the lack of a real tail. One of my co-workers and fellow McGlee Clubber declared that "My Little Ponies are the schiznit (language?)!" "Fo-shizzle!" I replied under my breath.

In the pit, on a cold winter's day, I found myself given a pair of gloves to wear. Not just any gloves, but McD gloves, complete with a big golden M for all the world to see. Since I was taking money, I was given the one with the fngertips cut off. These made me incredibly happy and I wore them, big M and all, with pride. I handed money back to a girl who said: "Nice gloves. They kick *beep* (I KNOW this one's 'language')!!" I couldn't help but be taken back to a time not so long ago, where that very phrase was used. Saddu, you should totally be with me here. In case you have put that experience out of your mind, (which I doubt you have) think storms...particularly hurricanes. Ah, the storms were a-brewin' that day. Anyways, I busted out laughing and had to shut the window for awhile to gain my composure.


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