01 February 2005

Practice makes perfect...

I am saddened that G-Had missed our McGlee Club practice the other day. A few minutes too late...It was a good practice. Our best was "Hooked on a Feeling." Cowboy, you were there, but I'm sure you didn't notice the choral display that was going on behind the counter.

The count is now two for the number of people who have asked me for their food "to go" in the drive-thru. Are they serious? I am SO tempted to hand their food out on a tray and then say, "Oh, I'm sorry! You wanted this to go, right?" What would they do?

For reason's unbeknownst to me, the management has decided to make us suffer through "Hospitality Training." Oh the horrors. I got a little taste of that badness today on my break. I almost escaped, but no such luck. They show the computer program/video thing down in the break room and usually they let you take your break out in the lobby so you don't disturb them. Seems to me, if they were practicing their "hospitality-ness" they would let us still eat in the break room. Anyways, no one warned me they were down there so I'm walking down the stairs and see them and stop in my tracks. But the head manager spotted me and waved me in. Oh joy of joys. The program was so beyond corny, it wasn't even funny. You have to play little games where you pick what response you would have towards a customer. One was an old lady who's sitting at a table and asks you to refill her coffee cup. You can choose, "Why YES! I would LOVE to!" or "Um, the coffee's over there." The latter makes me laugh more so I would tempted to pick that but it makes the computer upset. The two ladies going through it and I all agreed that all rude customer's should be directed towards managers. Our manager just laughed, but I don't think she knew we were serious...

Then they have these two "agents" who are given the task of finding what "true hospitality" is. So they go in search of McDonald's employees, which if you ask me, is going in a completely different direction. Anyways, they interview employees in their homes which would creep me out and the employees are so cheezy and give these horribly non-realistic responses. I think I had an "are you serious" look on my face the whole time. I had to hold back some comments too, since the 'top' manager was there. I could tell the other two people who were suffering with me were thinking the exact same things. I finally choked down my breakfast which didn't taste so good anymore and escaped. I even cut my break short to escape! It's brutal. I have to go through it tomorrow. I'll let you know how it goes...


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