McGlee Club
One of my friends at work belted out with the song, "It's a heat wave" the other day and then decided that we should start a McGlee Club. We held practice in the front drive-through the other day. it seems promising.
I get tired of seeing "Mc" before everything. McFries, McNuggets, McValue, McD sanitizer...the list goes on and on. I think I'll start calling everything that and see if it annoys people. Example: "here's your McDrink and your McSandwiches. Oh, I forgot your McStraw. The McNapkins are in the sack." I was inspired to do that when another friend was my runner and was saying "McSandwiches." Would you like some McJelly with your McBiscuit? That would rule.
If you are a rude customer, Friday was your day. You should have headed to McD's, because it was Rude Customer/Co-worker Day. Maybe everyone was depressed because it was warm for a day and then it went back to gloomy. My co-workers were rude and impatient, and so were the customers. Oddly enough though, the manager who seems not to like me too much was in an exceptionally good mood. Hmm...I had a lady come through and tell me exactly how many cars went before her before I took her order. I told her that if you are in lane #2, the person who is taking your order also takes money, so it is slower because you have to take money, take an either way, either the orderer or giver or money has to wait. And she only waited MAYBE a minute at the very max. The guy at my window was counting change as slow as possible. I wanted to leap out of the window, and just grab the money. It wasn't even exact change! So the lady then told me, "well, I guess I'll just go through lane 1," in a manner that I think was supposed to be insulting. I just smiled and said, "Probably a good idea!" It won't hurt my feelings!
Another odd thing - This week, many people passed my window to pay. I don't see HOW you can miss it. There's a big sticker of Ronald McDonald waving. People just drive on by. Then I have to hang out the window and try to get them to back up. Usually they pull back and say, "they told me the SECOND window," like we have no idea what we're talking about. Then I patiently say, this IS the second window, see? I point back to the one that says "NEXT WINDOW PLEASE." DUH!! Then, I had about three people to started to drive on and I opened the window and said,
He then said. "Um, Hi. I"m supposed to stop at the second window."
I gave him a blank stare and said,
"This IS the 2nd window."
"Are you sure?"
Oh! My bad! I'm totally at the wrong place! I'm just here to say hi and try and distract you from the right window.
Are you serious?! Three separate people did that. I would say "you pay here" and they would tell me that they were supposed to stop at the 2nd window. What in the world did they think I was there for? Was I merely a distraction? Was I some theif trying to steal their money before they reached the proper window?
Then I have others that say, "Oh we stop here? I didn't see it." How can you NOT SEE IT!? IT'S A BIG GIANT BRIGHT STICKER OF RONALD MCDONALD!
Whew. Got that out of my system!
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