09 June 2005


I have come to be what I have always loathed. Ever since I understood the concept of working at a job and stuff, I have always told myself that I would never work at a job that I really disliked. If I couldn't get up and find one good reason to go to work, I would quit. So much for that. Don't get me wrong, I understand that you have to do things in life you don't want to, and I'm down with that. Take McDonald's for instance. There are, surprisingly, some good things about working there. There are some really fun people that work there, the regular customers are cool, and I am glad for the experience of working fast-food. But I know for a fact that I would not work there the rest of my life. SO really, I'm talking long-term career here. I see people working at McDonald's who have been there for over 25 years and really don't like being there. That was what I never wanted to do. I know tons of people who have found themselves working at places that they don't like, they just put in time, waiting...for something. Just waiting. Maybe for Godot. I consolled myself with the idea that McD's was a temp. thing and soon I would be going to grad school. Hm. But it appears I will have to wait another year or more before that happens, and that drives me crazy. I am angered at myself for that reason. I won't be at McD's but so far, the other option is not much better. Everyone (fallacitical generalization) says "oh, it's just one more year..." but that's ONE MORE YEAR of NOT doing what I enjoy, staring at the clock every hour, living for weekends, and dreading Mondays. *sigh* But such is life. No worries. I'll make the most of it, be cheerful, and do the best I can at whatever I do. I will become another person in the queue, waiting for that "some day..." But someday I will go to grad school and not board the bus of miserable jobs, but will proudly say, British accent and all, (this is for you Saddu) "Calm down, I'm NOT getting on the bus."

Next in line please.


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