Confusion seemed to be the theme at work today. I got there at my usual time, 7am, but the normal morning manager wasn't there. It was the main one, whom, can be a little annoying sometimes. If she's in a good mood, things are good, but if fun for anyone. She was in an okay mood this morning though, but the employees are a little more reserved when she's around, so we don't talk and have as much fun. So that was weird. Then, I took over drive through and it really got confusing. I was on front counter to start out with, then moved to drive through, then I went on break, then to grill to help with change-over, and finally assumed my position as presenter in front drive. But first, she switched three people as my order taker within a period of five minutes. Weird. It was like we were playing musical positions, but without the music. Anyways, the first thing--two guys pull up and I give them their sandwiches. The screen said BEC biscut, that's what I gave them. They drove off, and I had served off the order. One of the guys gets out of the truck, comes to the window and knocks and says, "This is wrong. You got it wrong. I'm supposed to have a number 8." I open the sack to get the receipt, NOT to see if he's telling the truth, but to see if we over or under charged him. No receipt, no napkins. I ask for them and he says, "There were never any in there. They didn't put them in." The "they" would refer to me, it's only been like one minute, I'm sure he hasn't forgotten who gave it to him. I DID give him napkins AND the receipt, take my word for it. I said, "I put it in here, is it in your truck?" "Why do you need it? What do you want me to do? They were never in there. I never even opened the sack" (which, by the way, is lame, because if he never opened the sack, how would he know his order was wrong?). Wow, we're not in a courtroom, no need to get so defensive. I felt like I should have a lawyer present or something. I gave up on the receipt thing and just gave him his food. I KNOW I put the stuff in there.
Our drink machine kept messing up, either over or underfilling the drinks, so that was a big hassle, and my order-taker kept punching the wrong button on the drinks, so all my diets and dr peppers were confused. I had to use the ol' reliable "smell test" on more than one occasion. If I had seen the drink come out, I could've told you, but she put lids on them for me today (sadly yes, I can determine the type of drink judging by the color and attributes of the fizz. I'm sure that'll come in handy someday). To add to the mass of drink confusion, my runner brought all the sacks into the drive-through and set them on the counter with all the drinks. The drinks take up most of the room, so he had sacks on top of the straw container, behind me, on top of the drink machine...everywhere. Not helpful. Plus, he would read off everything in the sack as he put it down. "I've got your quarter-pounder no onions, medium fry here and your cheeseburger happy meal plain, with fries and a milk here." First off, I'm not really listening, because those orders are 3rd on my screen and I'm trying to concentrate on the customer and whoever's at my window. Finally, I told him to stop bringing so many sacks in and just put them on top of the fry station, like all the other managers do. My OT got angry too. We had confusion with an elusive "medium iced tea" that appeared and disappeared, and we always seemed to be short a medium coke. Then my favorite, to which my title is dedicated to, was this:
An old lady pulled up to my window. I'm getting the order together and she's looking in and just laughing. I look at my OT and say, "wow, she's...jolly." Finally she signals me over and I open the window and she says that she forgot to stop at the window to pay. I look at my screen and sure enough, there is an order in red that hasn't been paid yet. Turns out it's $7 something. I told her and she said, (L-lady G-girl)
L - "I'd like to order an ice cream cone. Can I do that?" I say,
G - "You want to *add on an ice cream cone?" (*key phrase here)
L - "Yes, if that's possible."
G - "suuuure, (thinking of how this was going to work) um, let me tell them."
So my OT calls back and has them add on a cone. What kind? *sigh*
G - "What kind?"
L - "Vanilla and chocolate, together, mixed together."
G - ".....twist?"
L - "yeah, that's the one."
I tell them and we get the final total, $8.36. I tell her, and she says,
L - "I KNOW it's not eight dollars for ice cream. Here's one dollar."
G - "Didn't you have the grilled chicken meal too?"
L - "NO! I told you, I missed the window and came up here."
AH, here we have our breakdown of communication. She said she missed the window, the place of payment, NOT the whole order-taking thing!! Good to know.
SO now, I have to tell them to take OFF the ice cream.
G - "Okay, it'll be .96 cents."
L - "Here."
She then proceeds to hand me a gold coin. Not the Sacajawea dollar, mind you. There was no Indian on it. There were no Indians, but a queen instead. She sees me looking at it and says,
L - "what, you don't like that silver dollar?"
Okay, first of all, it's not silver.
G - "um, this is Canadian."
L - "Oh! Here (reaches for it). I guess it is Canadian. Hm. I guess it's not even a dollar then....No wait, it says 'dollar' right here. Here, this is a dollar."
She hands it back. Apparently she's not bothered by such trivial things as currencies. A dollar's a dollar, right?
G - "Ma'am, it's CANADIAN."
L - *blank stare* "what, sooo, you don't take those here?"
Here? You mean, like, in AMERICA? No, sorry we don't. Last time I checked, we were still separate states. Now, mind you, I can see how Canada might be confused as part of the US, but as of now, that hasn't happened yet. At this point I turn around, and show my manager and she says, "we don't take that. Tell her we are not a bank."
I turn back to her.
G - "No, we don't accept that here... (under my breath, 'in the US, NOT Canada')
L - "well, fine. Here."
By this time, she's killed my drive through time, and fully frustrated me all for a dumb ice cream cone. It was truly obnoxious. To finish out the day, my order taker got switched another two times, and my runner kept disappearing. It was quite the day, eh?
I remember buying something from a convenience store in Ontario. I think this was 1989 or something. It was only a few dollars, but I did not have any Canadian money on me. I apologized and the guy said "that's okay, near the border we take both currencies."
So, I gave him $20 U.S., and in change, I got something like $22.50 in Canadian money. It really freaked me out.
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