19 July 2005


Song of the Day
99 Red Balloons - Nena

**Breaking McD News**

If everything goes according to plan, we will have three new sandwiches for your consuming pleasure next Tuesday. Actually, it's only two new sandwiches, but they say three because it's on a new bun. The new sandwiches are--Grilled/Crispy chicken Ranch BLT, Grilled/Crispy chicken Club, and the regular Grilled and Crispy chicken sandwiches. The bun? A honey-wheat roll. The sandwiches: Ranch BLT - grilled/crispy chicken, ranch sauce, bacon, lettuce, and tomato. Club - grilled/crispy chicken, swiss cheese, mayo (new light mayo), bacon, lettuce, and tomato. Exciting stuff. We had to have a special ONE hour meeting all about it.

So what does this mean? A whole new menu. Meals 1-4 will remain the same, but 5-11 will change and we're adding a number 12. So here's the breakdown:
#1 - Big Mac
#2 - Two cheesburgers
#3 - Quarter pounder
#4 - Double quarter
#5 - Big and Tasty
#6 - Double cheese
#7-9 will be the new chicken meals. Not sure of the order
#10 - Strips
#11 - 10-piece nugget meal
#12 - Fish

So there you have it. Confusion will reign for awhile. This also means our screens will change so gone are the days of punching buttons by memory. Good news? The regular chicken meals will decrease in price, but the new ones will be over five dollars. Crazy. The meeting was brutal. We each had to sign up for a time as a group. I had mine yesterday. Our McHead Manager told us all about the new procedures and stuff. To dispel any rumors you may have heard, the grilled chicken is not fried in grease. We have to spray the grill with butter so it won't stick. McManager then proceeded to show us how to spray the grill with butter using hand gestures and sound effects. I think we were all capable of knowing what spraying the grill meant, but I was amused watching it.

I am perplexed by people who can miss stoping at the middle window after being in line. Do you not notice EVERY other person stopping at this window and exchanging currency? Do you think you don't have to stop? I really don't understand. My grill-homies got yelled at today for writing bilingual grill slips. Our machine is broken so we have to write the grill slips on post-it notes. They sent some that said, mcchicken "con queso, with cheese." I think they were just trying to cater to our Hispanic population. Guess our managers didn't feel the same way.


This past weekend was the Nodaway County Fair. I went to the fair every night. The first night I just walked around, the second night I rode stuff, and the third night I was just going to get coffee at the coffee place (since they decided, hey, let's stay open past 3 in the afternoon) and ended up seeing some friends and walking around again. That night, they had some guy singing who sounded like Johnny Cash (although definitly NOT the Man in Black...he was wearing white...off-white actually...off-white bellbottoms, and a huge belt buckle). It made me think about Carnis. What are they all about? It's like a separate segment of society that really gets no attention. We all know who they are, but we really don't know them or what they do. What do they do in their spare time? How do they get involved? Why do they look scary? Is it a requirement that they smoke? Where do they live? How does one get started in the carni business? One almost got hit by the tilt-o-whirl, but he told us the ride had a three minute thing that if he were to get hit it would stop after three minutes. Comforting to know that even if the operator gets taken out, people will still get their full ride and nothing more.


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