27 July 2005


Celebration!!!!! Hooray!! Today was Chicken Day! (that reminds me of your old "chicken days" at the Mandarin, A-rez) Apparently they were a big hit because tons of people bought them. We got to sample them around 9 this morning, which, happened to be right after my break, so I was stuffed already. But one thing you learn...never turn down the once-in-a-blue moon opportunity when McD's gives out something free. I tried the grilled club. It was pretty good, although I'm not a fan of our grilled chicken. It smells funny. The honey wheat roll thing was REALLY good.

I got put on front counter today over lunch which hasn't happened for at least six months. Weird. We had confusion on the menus, which I knew would happen. One guy ordered the 11, which is now the 10 piece nuggets and used to be the double cheese. I KNEW that he didn't want the nuggets, just because he didn't seem like a nugget kind of guy. So I said, "the number 11...nuggets?" Yes, he replied. "Okay, the nuggets and a drink" I said, still trying to get that through to him. No reply. I knew that's not what he wanted, don't ask me how, but I knew. I also knew he wasn't paying any attention to me and what I was asking. People do that. It happens in drive-through all the time. You ask them in pit, "You had the nuggets and a Double cheese?" Yes. Turns out they had a McChicken and a parfait. They just don't listen. Anyways, I didn't want to keep saying "are you SURE?" so I tried a different approach. I asked him if wanted any sauce for his nuggets. Bingo! That got his attention. "Nuggets? I wanted the number 11" he said, putting emphasis on the 11 and saying it in a way that insinuated that I was just another clueless McD's employee who can't get orders right. I smiled a satisfied smile (knowing my suspicions were correct), and said, "Double cheese?" He nodded with that knowing smile of "poor girl;" a smile that you would use for a small child who's confused. I replied, "That's the number 6 now. We changed all our menus, so it's a little confusing." The light went on. He really looked at the menu and said, "Oh! You're right! I'm sorry!!" "No problem, a lot of people are getting the numbers mixed up." So all ended well.

We had a small manager "conflict" if you will. The old saying of too many cooks in the kitchen was definitly true today, except it was too many managers on front counter. We had three managers and then our head honcho who graced us today. Honcho told us all about using indoor voices and how once she entered the business realm, she learned to lower her voice about an octave. Nice...Well, manager 2 and 3 were soon switching shifts from one to the other, and there was some confusion of where people should be placed, and manager 3 got extrememly upset, and you DO NOT want to be on her bad side, so I just stood by the front counter and tried not to move or make eye contact with any of them. It was a frosty atmosphere for quite awhile. Then I got sent to grill, hooray! because my grill homie was there. So it ended the day quite nicely. I did realize though that the smell of bacon is not fun. I don't like the smell of it anyways, because it smells greasy and hot and now we have to cook it all day.


Fun Fact:
Our pickles are friends, not lovers. They should be close, but not touch when we put them on the sandwiches.


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