26 July 2005


I have THREE more days at McD's and then I'm hanging up the ol' McVisor on the shelf and calling 'er quits. That's right...no more, or as they say in Spain, "no mas para me" (grill joke). Today was a frustrating day. All our customers were grumpy and rude. They complained about getting wet. Oh, my bad. Let me turn off the rain for you. I'm pretty sure I have to hang out the window too, so you're not the only one getting wet. Also--you don't want to get wet? Don't go through the drive-through. Obviously, at some point in you drive-through experience, your window will have to be opened. So. When you open your window, you will get wet. One guy rolled down his window not even half way and I had to pass the money through this small slot. It was funny watching him trying to get his drink through the slit. The funny thing was he really thought he was going to get it through, and kept pulling and trying. Good times!

I was sent back to the grill for the rest of the day, gladly, but at 1:00 I lost one of my best grill people, and another guy. I was left with two guys, both nice, but new at the job, so they aren't very quick. I was initiator, and wall person, and assembly, one guy was on meat, and the other on wrap. Meat Man asked if he should clean the grill and I told him to go ahead since it was 1:30 and we were slow. He didn't really know how, so he left for awhile. Not sure where he went. Of course, at that point we got really busy, so that left me and Wrap Boy. I was scrambling to get the sandwiches started and then threw down meat and dropped wall. Wrap Boy would jump in on initiating when I was on meat, but he's slow and never serves off the orders. So that means, I would jump back in and end up making the same stuff he did. He also forgets to tell you when you're low on product, so we had to keep people waiting. But at one point, the DT lady was getting upset that she had to wait, but I had Meat Man cleaning the grill so he was out, Wrap Boy got shifted to meat, so that left me doing all the sandwiches, pulling and dropping wall product. Give us a break! Finally, my maintenance buddy jumped in a helped. It was not a fun end to the day.

My hopes were dashed today because it was supposed to be the start of our new sandwiches. I had deemed it "Chicken Day" but alas, it was not to be. Our menu boards had not arrived. What a let-down. But I was assured that tomorrow it would start. We get to try them too. Hope they're good. But that means the madness with the screens and menus begins. But hey, only three days of that, and I'm out.


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