30 November 2004

A special someone

Today my time at McDonald's once again brought a smile to my face, and no, it was not Bobbling-Buddha. There I stood, taking money and orders, when a familiar voice spoke at my window. A slow smile started to spread as recognition set in. I turned and who did I see? None other than someone near and dear to the Geography department, Mr. C Taylor B. It really was a struggle to not laugh gleefully , and I admit as he drove away, a quiet phrase escaped from my lips. I know my Syrian buddy will completely understand, as well as A-rez, whom CTB was "proud of." If you listened close, you would've heard me exclaim as he drove out of sight, "That rocks!"


Blogger BlackLineFish said...

You should show up at CTB's retirement reception (Thur, 3pm) decked out in your McD uniform (and salute him). Tell him you were a history major or something.


11:12 PM  

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