29 November 2004

Micky D's

So I work at McDonald's. And not many things about the job make me happy, but I will say that every once in awhile, someone comes through the drive-thru and they have a bobble-head Buddha on their dashboard, and for some strange reason, it makes me incredibly happy and brings a smile to my face. Something about a bobbling-Buddha brings me great joy. It either shows how boring my job is, or how weird I am, or maybe a combo of both.

-Note to all McDonald's patrons--when ordering your meal, large size it BEFORE you begin. The proper ordering method is, "I want a number 4 large..." Not, "I want a number 4, without pickles and onions, with a coke. *silence* Can you make that large?" What people don't realize is that the medium and large are two separate buttons (oh the McD insight you all are gaining!) and on scenario number 2, I push the medium button, grill it and put without pickles and onions, and then add the drink. Thus, when you deicde to upsize it, I have to zero out the coke, zero out the sandwhich, which in turn zeros out the grill, and I have to push the large coke and sandwich, and grill it again. So. Now you know and you can tell your friends.

I'm done.


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